send fake free sms without registration and without showing your number , using just two line trick

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Hi guys, this is a trick to send free fake sms with just two line this trick you can send a free fake sms to any network by hiding your number with unlimited characters without any registration or id but you must have an internet connection enabled to use this trick. and you Can Use This trick in any Mobile or PC.
How to use this trick?
Open any browser of mobile or pc and go address bar.

Type  or copy this code**********&to=1818181818&text=hi sweetheart- stanger.
While Typing replace number 1818181818 to the number which you want to send and also replace hi sweehtheart i mean ur message  and type your message which you want to send.

For Example:**********&to=810xxxxxxx&
Step4: After this you will see a text saying sent ,This means that your message has been sended.
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