This thing only done by yahoo

This thing only done by yahoo

1. Find Lyrics of any song or your favorite artist.
Type sonu nigam lyrics (for lyrics of sonu nigam songs) or sonu nigam deewana dill  lyrics (for lyrics of a particular song)

2. Specifiy the order of search keywords in queries
Say you want only web pages where word x comes before y but not vice versa, then just put the search query in Square Brackets. An example:
[Vipin Rajak] - will only return web pages where the word Vipin  appear before Rajak
3. Search your favorite websites from Yahoo! itself.
For instance, type !wiki google in Yahoo! search box to search Google in Other popular shortcuts are !ebay, !amazon, and !flickr. You can also execute these from the Firefox search box without changing the default search engine.

4. Compose emails from the Yahoo! search box.
Type !mail in the Yahoo! search box and it will automatically compose a new email message for you in Yahoo! mail.

5. linkdomain - An undocumented Yahoo Web search operator.
A quick question - Can you find the number of articles on Wikipedia website that link to ? It's almost impossible to get this data from Google but you can do so quite easily in Yahoo! with the incredibly useful linkdomain operator. The answer is:

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