If you have two or more account’s of any website such as gmail ,facebook ,twitter or hotmail and you would like to be able to see your profile on both, without needing to log out from one, to log in to another.
So there a trick, You can open as many accounts as you want, on the same site, all at once.
The same applies to all membership websites. You can access multiple accounts at the same time, on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Hotmail… whatever.
I knew what in your mind because you doing this by using different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE…), and keeping them running all at once. But that just eats up your RAM memory, and makes your desktop slow . So we’re not going to use that useless method.
I have 3 method for doing it, each for different browser .Well this all depends on which browser you want to use. You will see all three covered here, step by step, as always.
Google Chrome
- Use Google Chrome To Login With Multiple Accounts On Same Site
This one is a well known feature of Google Chrome, but in case you did not know about it…Google Chrome comes with the “Incognito mode”, also known as “Private mode”, which allows you to login to two different instances of the same website.
1. Login to desired website in Google Chrome.
2. Click on the Tools icon (top right corner at google chrome ) and in the menu, select “New Incognito Window“. Or even easier method is to use a keyboard shortcut. Press Ctrl+Shift+N to open a new Incognito Window.
3. Go to the same website and you should now be able to login with another user account.
- Use Firefox To Login With Multiple Accounts On Same Site
Firefox is famous for its extensions and add-ons, so you just need to install a Firefox add-on which will help you do this.
Click to Install CookiePie Firefox Extension (Firefox users only)
It’s fairly easy to use. After you’ve installed it and restarted Firefox, just login to Twitter (for example). Then open a new tab and right click on it. Then find the “Toggle On/Off CookiePie” option and click on it to start the extension.
You can see that a cookie appeared on the right side of the tab, which means you can type-in Twitter url, and then Twitter will ask you to login again. But this time you can do it with different account. The image below explains it all.
Couple of things to consider when using CookiePie Firefox extension:
Gmail doe’s not support this extension,it has recently implemented tougher security to its service, so it is aware about other connections in other tabs or windows. Which means this extension, unfortunately, won’t work when using Gmail. Huge disappointment, I know. But developers of the CookiePie are trying to fix this.
- It also runs on Flock/GNU IceWeasel.
Internet Explorer 8
- Use Internet Explorer 8 To Login With Multiple Accounts On Same Website
This is also one of the features that is only available in Internet Explorer 8.
IE 8 is packed with a “New Session” mode that allows you to start a new window with a brand new session.
1. Open IE8, go to desired website and login with your first account.
2. Then Go to File –> New Session. This will open a new window. Navigate to the same site and you should be able to login with your other account.
I wouldn’t go for this method, since it’s almost same as if you opened two different browsers and logged in to your accounts. Because IE 8 will also open a new window…
I hope you like it. (-_-)